HomeEnglishThis poem is based on The Retreat । B.A English (Hons.)

This poem is based on The Retreat । B.A English (Hons.)

This poem is written by Henry Hangover in this poem poet expresses his expression about our life.

He describes our life in different types of stages such as childhood young and old. He lives in another Angel and promises to Superman all the rules God gifted by God.

When he came to another Angel he did not understand the time was Spain and he came to the second race and he did not work a mile in the first log.

He turns back to see a glimpse and does not face he says my solve gazing and our but some shadow of eternity it long distance.

He says to God please retreat me but God says in this body you can’t ancient trade back when you die you live your body and your soul backward to first Angel tracking you came to retreat.


About my thoughts on this poet, the author shows a person can change rules and activities in childhood and he can’t change when he is younger and older because all the rules and activities come to control his body in this poem writer denotes all the activities and roll observed in his childhood and also added all activities her good manner I can’t never any rules when the time was left so also man follow all the rule and culture of our society in our life

Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar
मैं रमेश कुमार (Ramesh Kumar) मूल रूप से बिहार का निवासी हूं जो की भारत का एक अभिन्न अंग है मेरा क्वालिफिकेशन M.A ( English ) इग्नू से जारी है इसी के साथ कंप्यूटर क्षेत्र में ADCA,Tally,और KYP से संबंधित जानकारी है, मैं Ncert Pdf website के ऊपर एनसीईआरटी आधारित कंटेंट राइटर फाउंडेशन का काम करता हूं मूल रूप से क्लास 6th to12th तथा और अन्य कंटेंट पर चर्चा करता हूं


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